The Slang Podcast was born in November 2019. The idea came from the collaboration between an English language teacher and an Italian podcast engineer.

Both studying a second language, hers Italian, his English. During these language journeys we recognised that living in a new country is more than just studying the language and it is also about understanding a new culture and way of thinking.
We noticed that a huge gap in our communication lay in slang. Slang can seem challenging but we believe it is a quick and fun way of joining in a conversation that stays new and fresh. Our goal is to make slang accessible and fun for everyone regardless of nationality or education.

Want to know more or get in contact with us?
Louisa May Adams writer and host of The Slang Podcast has spoken at conferences sharing activities and lessons exploring how we can implement slang into an English language classroom. If you are interested in Louisa coming to your school or conference please get in touch below.